How To Calm Down A Frizzy Perm| Explained In Detail

When managing a frizzy perm, it’s important to understand the issue’s root causes before diving into solutions. We can develop targeted strategies for calming down those rebellious curls and achieving the sleek, polished look you’ve longed for.

So, if you’re ready to bid farewell to frizz-induced frustration, read this article on how to calm down a frizzy perm for expert tips on bringing serenity back to your wild perm journey!

Your perm might look frizzy and weird for several reasons. It could be the weather or the pillowcases you use. But usually, it’s because you’re treating your newly permed hair too roughly.

You Washed Your Hair Too Soon

Permed hair can look frizzy if you wash it too soon after the perm. Stylists say to wait at least 24 hours, or ideally 48 hours, before washing permed hair. If you don’t wait, your curls might end up uneven, with some tight and others straight.

Waiting a day or two before wetting your hair after getting a perm helps your curls set properly. This makes them more defined and last longer. Washing your hair right away can cause frizz and ruin the curls.

Brushing Your Hair

Brushing permed hair can cause frizz. If you used to brush your hair when it was straight, you should stop now that it’s curly.

Using a hairbrush to untangle your hair can ruin curls and make them lose shape. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb or your fingers to untangle your hair. Be careful not to do it too much to keep your beautiful curls. Start untangling from the bottom of your hair and move upwards.

How To Calm Down A Frizzy Perm

My Perm is too Frizzy

Sometimes, frizzy hair isn’t your fault. It could be because of a bad perm. There are a few reasons for this. If your hair is damaged, getting a perm can worsen it. Instead of making it curly, it can make it frizzy and brittle.

Your hair might also not react well to the chemicals used in the perm, giving you uneven curls that look messy. Before getting a perm, your stylist should check your hair and tell you if it’s a good idea. If your hair is damaged, they’ll tell you to fix it before getting a perm.

Your perm might not have worked because your hair wasn’t processed at the right time. If processed for too long, your hair could look very coiled and frizzy.

How To Salvage Your Hair From A Bad Perm

I understand if you don’t like how the stylist did your perm and want to wash it out. We all deserve to have high standards for our dream curls. So, if you want to undo it, here’s what you do: Wash your hair as soon as you get home from the salon.

Your newly curled hair needs at least 24 hours to set correctly, so if you want to undo your perm, just hop into the shower and shampoo it off. Apply a rich, deep conditioner to your curls. Cover your head with a shower cap and try to leave it on all day.

Before bed, wash off the conditioner with cold water to close your hair cuticles. You’ll notice afterwards that your hair is looser and more manageable.

This technique may not fully restore your hair to its original texture after a perm, but it can reduce frizz and make it look smooth and manageable. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can improve even a bad perm. This is achievable by giving your curly hair the right care and attention.

Many individuals continue to be concerned about how to calm down a frizzy perm. If you want to keep your perm and fix frizz, always moisturise your hair.

Moisture And Protection From The Elements Is Key

Moisturizing makes hair clump together and enhances the curl pattern of your perm. It also protects hair from elements like humidity that can make it frizzy.

When there’s too much moisture in the air, your dehydrated hair might absorb water molecules, causing it to swell and look poofy. Look for products that block out humidity, usually nourishing and moisturizing.

If you have less dense hair, ensure the products are lightweight. This will give you body and volume without weighing your curls down. Be cautious of silicone in humidity-fighting products.

Effectively locking out humidity can lead to product build-up in your hair, causing damage and heaviness. Use light, nourishing oils such as jojoba and argan oil to keep moisture and combat frizz. These oils also make your hair smoother and shinier.

You Need To Perfect Your Wash Day Routine

Beautiful curls don’t just come from using styling cream or finger-coiling. It all begins with a good wash day. Using the right hair products in the shower is the key to getting defined curls and spirals.

How To Calm Down A Frizzy Perm

Coconut Oil Mask

Before you shower, use a coconut oil mask to help your permed hair. Coconut oil can repair damage and deeply moisturize your curls. Cover your hair with coconut oil and a shower cap to retain moisture. It’s okay if it feels a bit greasy; your shampoo will fix that later. Leave it for an hour or two before you shower. Now, let’s get started.

Choose The Best Shampoos And Conditioners

First, choose the best shampoos and conditioners for permed, curly hair. Avoid products with sulfates and alcohols, as they can remove moisture from your hair and cause frizz.

Your curls need moisture, so look for nourishing ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, coconut oil, and avocado oil in your shampoo and conditioner.

Deep Conditioning Mask Or Protein Treatment

Once a week, replace your conditioner with a deep conditioning mask or protein treatment to add moisture, smooth your hair, and make it stronger after a perm. This will also give your curls more bounce and body, making them frizz-free and lively.

Microfiber Towel

After showering, avoid rubbing your hair with a cotton towel. This can cause frizz. Instead, use a microfiber towel to gently squeeze the excess water from your hair without disturbing your curls.

Style Your Hair With The Right Products And Let It Dry Properly

After showering, there’s more work to do. First, spray leave-in conditioner to fight frizz. It hydrates the hair and prepares it for other products to lock in moisture.

Styling Process

Now, let’s talk about styling your hair after getting a perm. You should use products made for curly hair. It might feel different if you’ve always had straight hair, but it will benefit you. Find creams that define curls and keep them in place without frizz.

Look for gels, creams, and styling serums with moisturizing ingredients like coconut oil, jojoba oil, shea butter, and honey. These will nourish your hair and keep it defined. Be careful when applying curling creams to avoid frizz. Gently pat the cream into your hair and then scrunch upwards.

Curling Techniques

Experiment with various curling techniques to define your curls. If you have frizz, your new curls may need extra help to form and maintain their shape. Try finger-coiling damp hair with a styling cream to achieve perfect spirals.

How To Calm Down A Frizzy Perm

Air Dry

When your curls look good, let them air-dry. Air-drying reduces frizz and doesn’t damage your hair with heat. Don’t touch your hair while it dries, or the oils and creams will make your hair dry and mess up your curls.

The fluffy hair perm is perfect for anyone wanting more volume and a relaxed texture. Unlike traditional perms that create tight curls, the fluffy perm gives you loose, tousled waves that look effortlessly stylish. Imagine waking up to soft waves that move freely, adding a light and airy feel to your look. This trend enhances your natural beauty and makes styling easier—just a bit of texturizing spray or mousse can keep your waves in place.

The fluffy hair perm is versatile and suits different hair types and lengths. Whether you have straight hair needing lift or fine hair needing volume, this technique can be customized for you. Plus, it requires minimal maintenance, which is great for busy lifestyles. Use nourishing products made for permed hair to keep your waves healthy and vibrant without weighing them down. With proper care, you can enjoy this stylish look while keeping hairstyling simple and carefree!

Frizzy hair often happens when hair lacks moisture, causing the cuticles to lift and create a halo effect. To fix this, try a weekly deep conditioning routine with natural oils like argan or coconut oil. These oils soak into the hair and lock in moisture, making your hair look smooth and healthy.

Using a leave-in conditioner with silicones can also help by creating a barrier against humidity, keeping your hair from becoming puffy. Another important tip is to change how you dry your hair. Instead of rubbing it with a towel, use a microfiber towel or an old cotton T-shirt to gently squeeze out extra water.

If you want to style your hair, use heat-protectant sprays before using hot tools. These sprays protect your hair from damage and help keep it shiny and less frizzy. Lastly, choose hairstyles that work with your hair’s texture. Loose braids or buns can help control frizz while protecting your hair overnight.

Using silk or satin pillowcases can also reduce friction while you sleep, so you wake up with smoother hair ready for the day.

Hair Frizz Causes & Treatment

Hair frizz is more than just a cosmetic issue; it can indicate hair health problems. Frizz often occurs when the hair’s cuticle layer lifts up due to moisture, disrupting its natural balance. People in humid areas are especially affected because the extra moisture makes it harder for hair to maintain its shape.

To reduce frizz, add deep conditioning treatments with proteins and emollients to your hair care routine. These treatments help lock in moisture and smooth the cuticle for a sleeker look. Instead of just using traditional anti-frizz serums, try oils like argan or jojoba. They hydrate your hair and create a protective barrier against environmental damage.

Also, consider using silk or satin pillowcases. They reduce friction while you sleep, which can help minimize frizz and leave your hair looking better in the morning.

Don’t make any more salon appointments for things other than haircuts after you get a perm.

A perm uses chemicals that can damage your hair. Don’t make it worse by coloring your hair while it’s still healing.

Let your hair rest for a few months before doing another chemical treatment. Instead, focus on moisturizing your hair to repair it and prevent frizz. Hot styling tools can also damage your hair, causing frizz and breakage.

Try to avoid using them as much as possible. If you need to blow-dry your hair, always use a heat protectant to nourish and protect it from the heat.

We can enhance the appearance of our hair by using semi-permanent hair dye, and we also have the option to dilute the semi-permanent hair dye for a more subtle effect.

By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article on how to calm down a frizzy perm, you can effectively calm down a frizzy perm hair and restore its smoothness and shine. Remember to use a sulfate-free shampoo, deep condition regularly, and avoid over-styling with heat tools.

Consider incorporating anti-frizz serums or oils into your hair care routine to maintain control over unruly curls. With dedication and consistent care, you can enjoy a beautifully tamed perm that enhances your natural beauty. Take the time to nurture your perm and embrace its unique texture for stunning results!

1. Why is my perm so frizzy?

Frizziness in a perm can be caused by damage, improper aftercare, or using the wrong products.

2. How do you neutralize perm hair?

To remove a perm, use a neutralizing shampoo or solution. When hair is permed, it becomes alkaline. The shampoo restores the hair’s natural pH balance by making it more acidic. This keeps the curl pattern and stops over-processing.

3. What do you do if a perm is too curly?

If your perm is too curly, you can soften the curls. First, use a deep conditioning treatment to relax and moisturize your hair. This can loosen the curls and make them look less tight.

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